Thursday, November 29, 2012


Okay, so, way back in like, middle school (early 2000s) I got into doodlin' (as kids tend to do), and eventually drew myslef as a super hero (as kids tend to do).  Then today, I was sitting at work with nothing going on, so I got to doodlin' (as high-paid night shift pencil sharpeners do) and popped out a picture of Gigawatt, my electrically charged alter-ego.  Later, during class, I got to messin' around with a 3-D modeling program (as kids tend to do) and popped out the picture below...
I then brought that picture into Photoshop (as kids--okay, that's getting annoying) and layered the heck out of it, until I got the character demonstrating his powers in a very showy manner.  The little thing in the upper right-hand corner is his logo.  It's supposed to be a lightning bolt crossed with a 'G'.  It's.... a little abstract.  So!  3D done in Daz, using the Genesis figure and various add-ons.  Couldn't get him looking exactly as I wanted, but close enough.  2D done in Photoshop.  Fun fact: There are only 2 lightning bolts generated.  They were merely flipped, stretched, and rotated to create the ELECTRO-STORM!  Hope you enjoy....

Thursday, November 15, 2012


So, a while back I posted a quick sketch for the Agabis, and said I would show more of the evolution later.  Well, I never really got around to that (though I still intend to)...  However, I recently knocked out a finished work (that I'm none to happy with) that I'll be using in a school project.  The Agabi you see are the final painted ones, composited into a partially painted scene, with a lot of Photoshop goodness thrown in for good measure.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Lobby of the LeCroix Hotel

A picture from my latest project, a background from my upcoming web-game Hinson Totoro.  The game will consist of live-action footage composited over digital backgrounds.  this one is for the hub of the game, the Hotel Lobby.  Made entirely in Photoshop from sundry images found thru Google Images.  Must say, I quite like it.